writers on dancing

The DanceView Times, Washington, D.C. edition

    Looking for What's On This Week? It's on our new Calendar page.

At least temporarily, we will not be updating the front pages of each of our editions, for several reasons (not the least of which is time!)

We've been publishing occasional pieces from other cities, and we can't imagine starting more editions. Another reason is that having three "front pages" is clogging our search engine.  If one is searching for reviews of Ballett Frankfurt, say, the search will turn up not only the review, but the home page and the city front page. And finally, we'd like to encourage readers to look at all of our reviews and articles, not just the ones in their home towns.

We do want to keep weekly calendars for New York, Washington and San Francisco, and we've created a new What's On This Week page.  We hope you'll check it and that you find it helpful.


Looking for a review?

Check our Index of Reviews. All of our reviews are indexed by year, under company name or artist's last name. Jane Smith's solo concert will be under S for Smith; the Jane Smith Dance Company will be under J, for Jane.

Because we have so many reviews of the New York City Balet, American Ballet Theatre and San Francisco Ballet, we've given each its own page.

There are links on the Index's table of contents to an index of Features, as well as a separate index for Mindy Aloff's Letter from New York.





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Clare Croft
George Jackson
Jean Battey Lewis
Sali Ann Kriegsman
Tehreema Mitha

Alexandra Tomalonis (Editor)
Lisa Traiger


The Autumn DanceView is out:

New York City Ballet's Spring 2003 season reviewed by Gia Kourlas

An interview with the Kirov Ballet's Daria Pavlenko by Marc Haegeman

Reviews of San Francisco Ballet (by Rita Felciano) and Paris Opera Ballet (by Carol Pardo)

The ballet tradition at the Metropolitan Opera (by Elaine Machleder)

Reports from London (Jane Simpson) and the Bay Area (Rita Felciano).

DanceView is available by subscription ONLY. Don't miss it. It's a good read.  Black and white, 48 pages, no ads. Subscribe today!

DanceView is published quarterly (January, April, July and October) in Washington, D.C. Address all correspondence to:

P.O. Box 34435
Washington, D.C. 20043


Copyright ©2004 by by DanceView
last updated on April 19, 2004 -->